Saturday, November 12, 2011

My fingers are beginning to cramp...

So today, Clackamas Town Center is giving away FREE $10 gift cards so long as you get the invintation and are willing to stand in line praying they still have them when you get up to the counter. However, I am so broke, I can't afford the gas to get out to the mall to claim my free gift card. *sigh*
I hate being this broke. I know it can't last forever, and eventually things will look up. But I feel like we've been dealing with this forever.
Xmas is my favorite holiday. The lights, the smells, the warm beverages, the music. And I love buying gifts for people I care about. Vince even told Guin the other day, that mommy can always figure out some way to give people gifts for the holidays. Which is true. I can usually pull something together. One year I turned to Craigslist, asking people for help, if they had any extra toys or decorations laying around. And the response was overwhelming. Guin was had so many gifts, she got bored of opening them and continued for days after Xmas. This year is proving harder. I have NO extra money. There's layaway but how would I pay the bill? I've sold everything I can think of to sell.
I know the holidays aren't about presents, but its what I love about it. Giving them. That $10 gift card would've been a big help, but like I said...I have no gas to get out there.
Not only are the holidays around the corner, but we have a baby on the way. And although (thanks to my friends and family) we have a lot of stuff we need, its still scary to think of the fact we have no money.
I can't help but think the universe is slapping us in the face. And I don't know why. We are good people, at least...I like to think so. So I don't know what to do. This is the most helpless situation I've ever been in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something good happens soon, but my fingers are starting to cramp up. I guess I should just let go, and let be, and stop trying to push something into happening. Just let it happen. But how long does one wait before I spiral into depression....or insanity?

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